Well here is the deal. I blinked and I no longer have a baby, but rather a wild and crazy little toddler. Just today we were talking about how quickly a year goes by! It was this weekend a year ago that we attended a birth class and had a baby shower and had no idea where we would put all the stuff we ended up with! We moved, into a still tiny yet slightly larger, apartment and shoved everything in every nook and cranny possible. We have accumulated much more stuff since then and still are getting creative with where to put it all.
The little man, is just that. A little man. He knows what he likes, how he likes it, and when he likes it. He is generally very agreeable. If we would let him, I wouldn't doubt that he could crawl a mile. Often times we take him outside with his walker and just let him walk down the sidewalk. He loves it and it won't be long until he doesn't need the walker to go on strolls.
Also, please notice the jacket. Since first moving to Mississippi my idea of "cold" has changed. I now check the weather and anything below 80 degrees denotes and "sweater weather". However, on this day it actually was cold. The little guy is lucky because he has a wonderful babysitter who took him out that morning and snapped this lovely shot to send to me while I was on campus.
I am now a graduate student. I have long wanted to go to graduate school and feel so lucky that I am able to. Additionally, I was hired as a graduate assistant to a professor in my department. I help her with some of her research and played a role in this lovely poster which has now been accepted at 2 different research conferences. I am the type of person who wishes they could be a student forever and have really loved being back in the world of academia once again!
I love fly away hair, and I think it was actually cold on this day!
And in other news, Adam got offered a job here this week, so between my school and his work it looks like we will be sticking around for a while. We are so very proud of him! Graduation is in just a few weeks and then come January he will be a working man and we will slowly move up the ranks from 2 grad students to 1 grad student and 1 with a real grown up job!