Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Half Birthday!

We recently had his month check up.  He checked out well!  At 6 months he weighs 19.3 lbs and was 26 1/2 inches  long.  He is a big boy!  He sits up on his own and would usually rather sit on his own and play with his toys rather than be held.  He is already very independent!  He loves to play in his exersaucer from Aunt Holly!  He is social and a big flirt with the ladies.  He loves to eat and is loving tasting new things.  He was ecstatic about tasting tiny bits of pancake.  He drools like crazy and will try to eat anything he gets his hands on, but still no teeth.  At 6 months he has been in 7 states, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, Colorado, Utah, and also Washington D.C.  He looks more like his Daddy every day and will most likely keep his blue eyes.  He talks up a storm and will occasionally preach a good sermon.  We love the little man and couldn't be happier!

Happy Half Birthday Wes!!

Rub a dub dub, one little fat man in a tub!

I apologize for the poor picture quality, my phone doesn't take great pictures if the lighting isn't great.  Wes loves his tub!  Now that he sits up better it is a lot more fun too!  He would play in the tub as long as we would let him.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The little man doing big things!

 I said I was going to post pictures of Utah next, well, they are all on Facebook, so go check them out there.

I always wish I could do a better job of capturing Wes during little moments of the day.  I am not good at keeping my camera close at hand, so usually I end up just using my phone.  My phone doesn't take great pictures, but it generally does the trick.  In the past few weeks alone Wes has grown a lot!  Here are a few of the fun times we've had in the past week or so.

Sitting up and doing his work.

He looks so big in that big boy hat!

What a cute little man!

We are working on rolling over and army crawling.  However, his anatomy is not in his favor.  With a belly that big it makes it difficult to do both!  We are really close to catching on to the concept of rolling over, but the belly always gets in the way.  It will all come in time!